Sunday, January 15, 2012

Happy new year and a surprise from Watermelon!

First things first: happy new year everyone, hope you've had a great holiday. Now, onto the important stuff.

WaterMelon is back, stronger than ever. We have a lot of stuff going on, of which some will be explained in detail very soon!

First of all, we're introducing 
:WM's Magical Game FactoryThe place to find all things made by Watermelon. That's where you can purchase all Watermelon products that are coming this year.

:OTo start big, the REPRINT is back! Orders for the REPRINT edition of Pier Solar with English, German and French are now open and available for immediate shipping. We also opened preorders for the REPRINT edition of Pier Solar with English, Spanish and Portuguese, attending the high demand. 

Preorders are also open for the Pier Solar Definitive Original Soundtrack. It includes four discs, including the full Mega-CD/Sega CD soundtrack, a bonus CD with unused tracks and re-arranged tracks, as well as mp3s and VGM files. The fourth disc is nothing less than the Enhanced Soundtrack Disc which was included with the classic and posterity editions. That's right, now reprint buyers can get their official Enhanced Soundtrack Disc as well!

That is all for now!
Now, please register, get 50 Gems FREE,
spend them, order, pre-order and don't forget to have fun!

Best wishes,
